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ответвление с помощью Milter протокола

Убедитесь, что вы используете Postfix версии 2.4.6 или выше.

Настройте Mailarchiva

Postfix Configuration

Earlier versions of Postfix contain a buggy milter client, causing zeroed body messages to be archived. Currently, Postfix v2.3.4 and earlier is
known not to work well with the Архива milter capability due to a bug in Postfix. In this case, you may need to take the BCC SMTP approach (see Zimbra integration).


  1. Add the following to Postfix’s main.cf file:
milter_default_action = tempfail
smtpd_milters = inet:

(if Архива is running on a remote server, replace with the ip address of the server where Архива is running)


  1. Restart postfix
sudo /etc/init.d/postfix restart

Note: If you want Spamassasin to filter out the SPAM before it hits Архива, configure Spamassassin as a milter (Google the topic for info on how to do this)

Then, specify your milter configuraiton as follows:

milter_default_action = tempfail


In Postfix 2.6, milter_default_action can be set to hold, meaning if the archive server goes down, the messages will be placed indefinitely in a hold queue. Once the archiving service is restored, the administrator can intervene and process the messages in the hold queue.

Always BCC Approach


This approach involves configuring Postfix to send copies of all emails to a specific journal mailbox and then configuring Архива to retrieve emails from the mailbox using IMAP.


Архива Configuration


  1. Click Configuration->Listeners.
  2. Select SMTP Listener in the drop down and then click the New Listener button.
  3. Check "Listen for incoming SMTP/Exchange requests"
  4. Leave the SMTP port as 8091
  5. Click Save
Postfix Configuration

To accomplish this:

  1. Create a new mailbox called "journal" and set a password (on Unix, you would typically use the useradd command to create a new user)
  2. Add the following line to Postfix's main.cf:
    always_bcc = journal@domain.com (replace journal@domain with your domain)

  1. In Архива, select Connections -> IMAP Client -> New Connection. Add a new IMAP journal account connection to the IMAP service running on the Postfix server.
  2. Optionally: enable IMAP Idle to receive message arrival notification as opposed to polling (if you later find archiving stops after a period, you will need to disable IMAP Idle again)
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