Сравнение версий


  • Эта строка добавлена.
  • Эта строка удалена.
  • Formatting was changed.



This shortcut is only applicable to V3 installations (not V2)

  1. Download the WAR file from the Download Center.
  2. Delete the contents of [main application]\webapps\ROOT
  3. Unzip the contents of the downloaded WAR file into [main application]\webapps\ROOT
  4. Restart the server

 Auto Update

  1. Login to the Архива console
  2. Visit Configuration->Auto Update
  3. Click the Update button

 Архива V2 and Архива OSE -> Архива V3


Архива Licensing: Архива v3 requires a valid support contract. If your support contract is current, email the Архива Accounts team to obtain your V3 license file.

The directory locations for Архива's program files, configuration files, program data and logs have changed since previous versions. Please familiarize yourself with File System Layout.



Important Safety Tip: Before continuing, please backup your existing server configuration! To backup your server configuration, copy all files under C:\Program Files\MailArchiva\server\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\conf\* or /usr/local/mailarchiva/server/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/conf/* to a temporary location.


Important Safety Tip №2: Make sure your volume store directories are not placed anywhere under the Архива program directory (e.g.  C:\Program Files\Архива or /usr/local/mailarchiva) as the directory will be recursively deleted during the upgrade process. Your volume stores should always reside outside the Архива program directory.


Open Source Edition User: By upgrading to Архива V3, you can take advantage of Архива V3 Free Edition features. After a 45 day period, features will be switched off and the free features will be enabled. You can activate features at any stage by purchasing an license.

  1. Disable archiving in the existing server. 

    a) In Configuration->Journal Accounts, uncheck Enabled for all connections
    b) In Configuration->Listeners, disable SMTP and Milter listeners

  2. Stop the existing EE server

    /usr/local/mailarchiva/server/stopserver (Linux)
    Stop Архива service by double clicking the Архива task tray icon, clicking Stop or stopping from Control Panel->Windows Services (Windows)
  3. Download the latest version of Архива V3 appropriate for the target platform
  4. Run the setup / install script

a) Windows - unpack the distribution zip file containing the main setup executable. Double click the installer and follow the installer prompts.


Target Directory: Sometimes the installer may not pickup the old install path correctly. Please ensure that during the upgrade process, the install path is exactly the same as the existing Архива installation. 

During the install, you wil be prompted to enter the desired heap size. Refer to Memory Settings for guidance on this issue.

b) Linux - run the installer as indicated below and follow the installer prompts

Code Block
tar -xzvf mailarchiva_server_linux_v3_0_0.tar.gz
cd mailarchiva_dist

During the install, you wil be prompted to enter the desired heap size. Refer to Memory Settings for guidance on this issue.

  1. The server should be started and listening on port 8090. If not, start the server as follows:

    Code Block
    /opt/mailarchiva/server/startserver (Linux)

    Start Архива service by double clicking the Архива task tray icon, clicking Start or starting from Control Panel->Windows Services (Windows)


    Program Location Change: On Linux, the startserver script location has changed. Please familiarize yourself with the new File System Layout.

  2. Since your browser may have cached copies of the old Архива interface, when logging to Архива console for the first time, be sure to refresh your browser cache (i.e. in Firefox presss Shift+Refresh). 
  3. Retest your Journal Account client connections and check your SMTP / Milter listeners for correctness


    Connections Missing: If the Connections menu is missing, edit the Administrator role in Configuration->Roles and ensure that the Connections permission is assigned to it.

  4. Close the old volume and create a new one for archiving. 


Take note: Архива v3 is capable of reading and writing old volume formats. If you do not create a new volume, Архива v3 will continue to write to the old volume in the old format. Only when a new volume is created, will Архива begin archiving in the new format.

  1. To access your old volumes, either:

    a) reindex [RECOMMENDED] - This process involves reindexing your data to account for an index format change. It leaves your existing volume data in the old V2 format.
                      Login to the Console. To reindex, Click Configuration->Volumes->Reindex. Refer to Volume Reindex to learn more.  

    b) convert - This process involves converting your old V2 volumes to the V3 format. To convert,  Click Configuration->Voumes->Convert. Refer to Volume Conversion to learn more.

Архива v3 uses both a new volume store format and a new index format. While, Архива V3 can read and write old V1/V2 volumes, it cannot read old volume indexes. Thus, a reindex is required at minimum. Converting old volumes is a slow process and can take several days to complete on a large volume. Converting an old volume is at least x10 slower than performing a reindex.

When converting an old volume, for safety sake, the old volume will not be deleted. Thus, before converting ensure that you have at least as much free space available as is used by your current volumes. Due to the length of time volume conversion can take, we strongly recommend reindexing your old volume, as opposed to converting them to the new format. 

If upgrading from Архива OSE or Архива v2.1 and lower, please follow steps in Kerberos -> NTLM v2 Authentication Engine Change to reconfigure your Active Directory settings.

Server Not Archiving? Ensure that you have recreated the Journal Account and SMTP/Milter listener settings as indicated in Step 7 above. 

 Open Source Edition -> v2

  1. Stop the existing OSE server|
  2. If necessary, rename Архива webapp directory (Архива preferences the Архива webapp name to named be ROOT).
    rename C:\Program Files\MailArchiva\server\webapps\mailarchiva to C:\Program Files\MailArchiva\server\webapps\ROOT (Windows) [if necessary]
    mv /usr/local/mailarchiva/server/webapps/mailarchiva to /usr/local/mailarchiva/server/webapps/ROOT (Linux) [if necessary]
  3. Note: Performing this action will mean that you no longer access the console via http://localhost:8090/mailarchiva but simply http://localhost:8090
  4. Login to the Архива website using your credentials. Click the Download Center.
  5. Download the latest version of Архива appropriate your platform.

Run the setup / install script

a) Windows - simply double click the installer and follow the installer prompts
b) Linux - run the installer as indicated below and follow the installer prompts

Code Block
tar -xzvf mailarchiva_server_enterprise_linux_v2_7_2.tar.gz
cd mailarchiva_dist

Note: Since the OSE uses a different authentication engine and index format to the EE product, it is necessary to complete the steps outlined in Authentication Engine Change and Index Format Change sections further below.

Please also check that all IMAP connections present in Configuration->Journal Accounts have a polling interval that is set to no less than 10 msec. Also, each IMAP connection must have maximum simultaneous messages set to 50.

 Open Source Edition -> Newer Version Open Source Edition

  1. Stop the existing OSE server
  2. Login to the Sourceforge website using your credentials and locate the Архива OSE download page.
  3. Download the latest version of Архива OSE appropriate your platform.
  4. Run the setup / install script

a) Windows - simply double click the installer and follow the installer prompts

b) Linux - run the installer as indicated below and follow the installer prompts

Code Block
tar -xzvf mailarchiva_server_opensource_linux_v1_5_0.tar.gz
cd mailarchiva_dist

Kerberos -> NTLM v2 Authentication Engine Change

Follow the steps in the v2.6 Administration Guide to redefine your AD settings. In summary, you will need to run a vbs script to create a computer account in AD and setup a password on the account. Once the VBS script is completed, it will output all the parameters that are needed for Архива's new AD settings.

Index Format Change

  1. The safest reindex procedure is as follows:
  2. In Configuration->Volumes, write down the location of the index directory corresponding with each of your volumes
  3. To ensure that all index file locks are eliminated, stop the Архива server
    a) Windows: Stop the Архива server from the Архива system tray or alternatively from the Windows services applet
    b) Linux: type /etc/init.d/mailarchiva stop
  4. Backup your existing volume index directories to another location (to ensure you can get them back if the reindex process goes awry)
  5. Manually delete all volume index directories (not volume store directories).
  6. Run the installer over your existing copy of Архива.
  7. Start the server.
  8. Login to the Архива Console. Click Reindex All button in Configuration->Volumes.
    Note: Depending on your I/O constraints and how many messages you have in your archive, the reindex process can take a while to complete. Although, due to indexing operations, server performance will be degraded, the server should still be useable for normal archiving and searching activities.
  9. To obtain the status of the Reindex, click Status->Processes. You should see the reindex process running there.
    A large archive can take several days to complete reindexing. Архива uses very aggressive reindexing algorithms. If your reindex appears slow, it is most likely due to I/O resource constraints. It is generally a bad idea to store your indexes on a remote drive. It is better to store them locally and on a separate drive to volume store paths