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требуется как минимум 768MB оперативной памяти, для маленьких инсталяций (500 почтовых ящиков) мы рекомендуем 1512MB для системы. Чем больше ваш трафик, чем больше размер томов, тем больше оперативной памяти необходимо бля эффективной работы. Для системы обеспечивающей 20 000 пользователей, как минимум необходимо 8GB оперативной памяти, или больше. Пожалуйста, обратитесь к разделу системные требования для более точных рекомендаций.


Memory Problems: If you are experiencing trouble with Архива running out of memory or feel that Архива is using too much memory, please refer to Memory Issues.


PST Import: Due to the nature of the PST import routines, if there is a requirement to import very large PST files >2GB, your server will likely need more memory.


Checking Total RAM Available


Before, you allocate more RAM, please check the physical amount of RAM that you have available.


1. Windows 7:

   a) Click Start

   b) From the search box, type 'ram' without the quotes

   c) Click "Show how much RAM is available on this computer"


2) Linux

   a) Type "top" in a terminal window


Allocating More/Less Memory


Its no use having large amounts of physical RAM available, without telling Архива about it.


 Note: If too little RAM is allocated, your server may run out of memory and archiving may stop entirely.


  1. Linux: From the commandline:

   a) Run the configure script as follows:

[program directory]/server/configure


  b) Restart the Архива server


[program directory]/server/stopserver
[program directory]/server/startserver


  1. Windows:

    a) Right click task tray applet, click Configure...
    b) Select Java tab
    c) Enter a higher amount for the maximum memory size
    d) Restart the Архива Service (this is required for the changes to take effect!)


Note: The following heap restrictions apply to Архива running on a 32 bit platform:

  • Linux 32-bit: limited to a maximum of ~1960 MB
  • Windows 32 bit: limited to a maximum of ~1512 MB

Refer to: http://java.sun.com/docs/hotspot/HotSpotFAQ.html#gc_heap_32bit for more information.


After allocating more memory, do not be alarmed if the Архива process is using the full extent of memory allocated. This is normal behaviour for Java based applications. For more information on common memory usage patterns in Java based applications, please refer to Out Of Memory.


64 Bit OS Highly Recommended: To make full use of all of the available physical RAM, it may be necessary to install a 64 bit Operating System such as Windows Server 64 bit or Ubuntu Server 64 bit.


Free Space Tip: When allocating more RAM to Архива, at minimum, you should always leave free memory for the Operating System to function effectively.


Архива v2.8.0 And Lower: When the email archive server is upgraded from one version to another, the heap size settings may revert back to the defaults. Please ensure that Архива's heap size settings are correct after each upgrade.


32bit / 64bit JVM: As of v1.9.5, the for Windows and Linux incorporate both a 32bit and a 64bit JVM. It will automatically detect the appropriate JVM based on the architecture of your operating system.