- Small Business Plan - Журнальные сообщения не поддерживаются, но можно настроить пересылку BCC на сервер Архива.
- Enterprise Plan - Журнальные сообщения поддерживаются.
Small Business Plan
a) Journal Mailbox Setup
Настройка журнального почтового ящика
- Авторизуйтесь в Office 365 как администратор.
- Нажмите User Management
- Create a new user dedicated to mail journaling
- Login to Office 365 as the newly created user
- Create the user's temporary password
bб) Create a forwarding / BCC rule
- Login to Office 365 as an administrator
- In Exchange Online Management, Click Mail Control->Rules
- Create a new BCC rule to forward all mail traffic to the newly created user
cв) Obtain IMAP Server Connection Information
- Login to Архива as an Administrator
- In Configuration->Connections, create a new IMAP Connection
- Enter IMAP Connection details noted above
- Click Test Connection to verify the connection works
- Check Enabled and Save
Enterprise Plan
Journaling can be achieved via two different transport mechanisms:
Журналирование может осуществляться двумя способами:
- IMAP журналирование - All mail is journalled to a temporary journal mailbox. Архива retrieves mail from the journal mailbox via IMAP over the Internet.
- SMTP Forwardжурналирование - Архива listens on port 25 for SMTP traffic. Office 365 is configured to forward mail directly to Архива using the SMTP protocol.
Note |
Note: This method is slower than the SMTP forwarding approach |
- Open powershell and connect to your tenant then perform the following: “Get-MailboxFolderStatistics -Identity journal1| sort-object -descending -property FolderAndSubfolderSize | ft name, *size*, item* -autosize”
- Perform “get-mailbox journal1|Set-Mailbox -RetainDeletedItemsFor 1.00:00:00”
- Perform “Start-ManagedFolderAssistant journal1”
- Perform “Get-MailboxFolderStatistics -Identity journal1| sort-object -descending -property FolderAndSubfolderSize | ft name, *size*, item* -autosize” and see if you see a reduction in the “Recoverable Items” in the “FolderAndSubfolderSize” column."
SMTP журналирование
a) Create an SMTP Listener in Архива