Сравнение версий


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  • Small Business Plan - Журнальные сообщения не поддерживаются, но можно настроить пересылку BCC на сервер Архива. 
  • Enterprise Plan -  Журнальные сообщения поддерживаются. 

 Small Business Plan 


  1. Авторизуйтесь в Office 365 как администратор. 
  2. Нажмите User Management
  3. Create a new user dedicated to mail journaling 
  4. Login to Office 365 as the newly created user
  5. Create the user's temporary password

bб) Create a forwarding / BCC rule

  1. Login to Office 365 as an administrator
  2. In Exchange Online Management, Click Mail Control->Rules
  3. Create a new BCC rule to forward all mail traffic to the newly created user


  1. Login to Архива as an Administrator
  2. In Configuration->Connections, create a new IMAP Connection
  3. Enter IMAP Connection details noted above
  4. Click Test Connection to verify the connection works
  5. Check Enabled and Save

Enterprise Plan

Journaling can be achieved via two different transport mechanisms:


Журналирование может осуществляться двумя способами: 

  • IMAP журналирование  - All mail is journalled to a temporary journal mailbox. Архива retrieves mail from the journal mailbox via IMAP over the Internet. 
  •  SMTP Forwardжурналирование - Архива listens on port 25 for SMTP traffic. Office 365 is configured to forward mail directly to Архива using the SMTP protocol.







Note: This method is slower than the SMTP forwarding approach


  1. Open powershell and connect to your tenant then perform the following: “Get-MailboxFolderStatistics -Identity journal1| sort-object -descending -property FolderAndSubfolderSize | ft name, *size*, item* -autosize”
  2. Perform “get-mailbox journal1|Set-Mailbox -RetainDeletedItemsFor 1.00:00:00”
  3. Perform “Start-ManagedFolderAssistant journal1”
  4. Perform “Get-MailboxFolderStatistics -Identity journal1| sort-object -descending -property FolderAndSubfolderSize | ft name, *size*, item* -autosize” and see if you see a reduction in the “Recoverable Items” in the “FolderAndSubfolderSize” column."


SMTP журналирование

a) Create an SMTP Listener in Архива
